Our Vision
To be the leading organization that fosters the development and economic empowerment of women in business in Eswatini.
Our Purpose (Goals And Objectives)
- The office of Business Women Eswatini (BWE) is committed to consulting with members on its main mandate; advocacy, lobbying, representation and provision of services to women in the business sector.
- The purpose of these consultations is to craft an employer’s mandate on issues that need urgent attention to be actioned and reported to the BE Board and members.
- The goal is to capacitate women with vocational and entrepreneurial skills. It is important for BWE that through projects, women can learn how to be business-minded and find opportunities around them.
Our Mission
To facilitate and advocate for an enabling environment for sustainable entrepreneurship of women in Eswatini through; the coordination of capacity building programs, dissemination of business-related information and provision of mentorship programs for existing and aspiring business women.
Business Women Eswatini (BWE) has a committee that comprises of six (6) members drawn from the Business Eswatini (BE) membership from different sectors.